No Vacation Spots for Juanga :(

Pet Friendly hotel in Rincon, PR

A few days ago I received a tweet regarding a girl throwing puppies in a river. I was outraged and very upset (like most of the World who saw the video felt) with the actions I saw on the video.

I was sent the following tweets on the issue by @pro_edit which understands my love for animals (one of the main reasons I am vegetarian) and share my love for pets also.

First tweet was addressing how upset @pro_edit was with the video.

This tweet is giving me the link of the news article in spanish.

I went ahead to our local newspaper site and hit play on the video once she tossed the first Puppy I was not able to watch the rest. I have not included the video on this post because I find it very disturbing (if you still want to watch the video feel free to find it on the Primera Hora site).

Today, I was told (and read) that that the girl had been identified and Bosnian Police did find her, which gave me a huge relief since someone who is able to cause such harm and while having fun might be even more dangerous for other animals or people.

Since we adopted our four-legged son Juanga (Black Labrador – featured in the picture below) I have realized how here in many places in Puerto Rico people don’t really appreciate dogs or other pets. Most places are not pet friendly. We do have a history of people abusing pets and I think it starts from not understanding that if we domesticated animals and brought them into the family we have a huge responsibility for their well being.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico


I am firm believer that locally (Puerto Rico) we need to start making changes to as allowing pets at our beaches and many other public areas (of course with rules so everyone cleans up after their pets and keeps them under control). More businesses should cater to allowing your pet to spend quality time with the family it might be the competitive advantage for a few businesses that are competing against others.

On our side we have changed our lifestyle to make sure that Juanga is very well taken care off. A few days ago I was indicated by @lucymfel that Rincon of The Seas a hotel based in Rincon is pet friendly. Just by coincidence I was in the lovely town of Rincon, PR and stopped by to see if the restaurant was open and stopped by their help desk to get more info on there pet policy.

Although I am extremely happy that finally this hotel decided to give us Pet Lovers an option to be tourist in our own Island. I was very disappointed when they had many restrictions including the weight of the pets allowed. Sadly our 11-month Juanga is over 50 lbs. which restricts us from using what we thought was a great option.

I do have to compliment the Rincon of The Seas for taking a step ahead of other hotels but it would be great if they reconsider changing the weight requirement for those who have pets that are under that limit you might have an option to not leave your pets (there is a $25 dollar charge per day per pet) at a kennel. The other requirements I find them fair enough, since I love spending quality time with Juanga I would be more than willing to agree to them.

This article on includes some of the advantages of becoming pet friendly hotel or business. I will summarize my favorite points:

  • Accepting traveling pet owners will increase in bookings.
  • People who travel with their pet seek out pet friendly accommodations that will welcome their pet. They usually stay longer and more often become return customers.
  • For the most part, they are considerate travelers who want their pets to be on their best behavior.
  • Another benefit to becoming pet friendly is the additional exposure (example this blog or even your local chamber of commerce) it brings.
  • Oftentimes event organizers in your city will refer people to your accommodation for those people attending with pets.
  • In times of evacuation, when pet owners cannot take their pet to local shelters, they will look to you for shelter. (Key when you live on an island)
  • Most importantly, pet owners who have a positive experience in your accommodation will recommend you to other traveling pet owners. (Free Marketing)
  • The easy way out for many innkeepers is to set a limit of 15 or 25 pounds – dogs only. That’s fine but it eliminates about 75% of your potential guests. A well-behaved Labrador (Like Juanga) can be just a good a guest as a teacup pet. Owners have fewer of these places available, especially in the chain hotels, so it is a wide open market.

Marketing a pet Friendly Business.

  • Put a Picture of a Paw on your website with a link to your pet policy.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

  • Call or email other agencies department of tourism and other agencies to let them know you are pet friendly.
  • Let Pet lover know on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and other sites.

Do you know of other pet Friendly hotels or businesses in Puerto Rico?


What other competitive advantages would it bring to a pet friendly business?


What other industries do you see where it can bring an advantage?


Are you like me and have a larger four-legged family member that does not comply with the rules?

Would you mind if this is your next door hotel guest?

Juanga waiting for a Snack

Juanga waiting for a Snack

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