Visualizing the Impact Equation
A book that covers online communications and starts with the phrase:
“Ceci n’est pas un social networking book”
Is a book I definitely want to read!
Before I continue writing about this great book that helps us understand how communicate and create relationships with current emerging technologies, I want to explain that I am a big fan and admirer of Chris Brogan and Julien Smith.
I also have had the privilege to work with Chris in the past on projects for Human Business Works (My company is a Strategic Partner). I also had the privilege to finally meet Julien Smith this year at SXSW and we also tend to like the same type of shoes.

Me & Julien Smith
Both of these individuals have taught the online communities they belong too how to create healthy relationships (business and personal).
Having read Trust Agents a few years ago, I appreciate how they continued some concepts into the current environment of online communications in 2012.
Their new book, The Impact Equation (Affiliate Link), measures how we create relationships by creating an impact in the way people see and perceive things.
Explanation of Impact
Chris and Julien explain the purpose of the book in the first pages mentioning that the Impact Equation is about considering the person at the other end of a relationship.
Considering what would make a difference to that individual who connected with an idea and how they would perceive it.
Impact Equation Formula
The formula they shared with us in the book is IMPACT = C * R * E * A * T * E.
The letters stand for Contrast, Reach, Exposure, Articulation, Trust, and Echo. I would go into explaining a bit more how each of these elements work from my perspective and how they complement each other to create Impact but it would be a much longer post.
I recommend for you to pre-order the The Impact Equation book which will give you a deeper understanding including neat exercises that will help you put what you learn into practice.
Unconventional Business Advice from Chris Brogan and Julien Smith
What resonated with me was how Julien and Chris explained their unorthodox approach at providing unconventional business advice. For those of you stuck into the Business as Usual way of doing things, feel free to skip this book. If you want to take a look at new ways of doing things, understanding how the online eco-system of business works, then I recommend you order a copy and give one away to each of those key stakeholder of the business you work in or own.
You Don’t Need Permission
When you are searching to find yourself and follow your dreams, you don’t need anyone’s permission. There is emphasis on the idea that everyone has a chance to get heard with these new business models.
Community of Wealth = Cheerleader + Mentors
It also speaks of the wealth of having a community supporting you. This motivates me to continue working as hard as I can in my own small business while having cheerleaders such as Gabriel Pagan, Margie Clayman, Chris Brogan, Rob Hatch, Mark Hayward, Robbie Vorhaus, Nando Caban, Nomar Duran and Lucilla Feliciano.
It’s about how much you are willing to work.
Using emerging technologies levels the playing field by focusing on quality, commitment, and results in order for businesses to deliver. Having money is critical but this alone will not drive your business.
On occasions I see individuals with capital to start a business but lacking drive and commitment. These new platforms of communication will help you with overcoming many obstacles if you put forth the effort and commit to them.
Staying Visible
Contrast is the Unique Selling Proposition as Chris and Julien explain it. When you become too similar you become invisible. I have spent the past year working on new business models. I try to work differently from rest of the people offering what can seem to be similar services to ours. By being different we stand out from the crowd. By being visible we increase the probability of working with customers that have similar interests to ours.
What Ideas are better Creative or Business?
Part of a chapter is dedicated to the importance of driving your business via creative and business decisions that align to your overall goals. Finding a purpose in both type of ideas will help you understand the importance in analyzing both. It also explains at a high level that each one is driven depending by the objectives you want to reach.
Visualizing the Book
I was privileged enough to get an Advanced Uncorrected Proof copy. When we look at text we might miss out on visualizing the problem that a business book is trying help you solve.
Chris and Julien had a unique way to help me visualize some ideas in the book. They created a competition, where readers took pictures of images and embedded a book quote with it.
By using textography on pictures taken with my iPhone and Camera, I was able to take a few pictures and align them to quotes in the book. I also tagged them on twitter with the Hashtag #ImpactEQ
An Experience
As with Trust Agents, Chris and Julien created an experience for their readers. The book is out this week and I can already imagine the types of experiments Chris and Julien will attempt to make the book even more functional.
So far I am very thankful for the privilege of receiving an advanced copy and getting to see first hand the great knowledge Chris and Julien have to share.
When are you ordering your copy?
Great read, Raúl. Thanks for the mention too. You are a trailblazer in your market. Keep it up.
Thank you for being one of the few that keep my hopes up!