My Longest Standing Customer Romy Baez

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

In business, you have customers that come and go. There are customers that you get to do a project for during a small period and never hire you again. There are others that stay with you even when you switch industries or move on to another business.

The other day I was thinking of my friend and current client Romy Baez. Romy hired CIMA IT Solutions to set up

My First Business Venture

Romy became my client and started supporting me on my first business venture when I was a Teenager. When I was 15 years old, I set up a dog grooming business. I had been working at a grooming shop in my hometown of Ponce, and the Owners left to work in the States so I tested the waters and I ended up getting enough business to run a small operation after school hours and during weekends. This company also allowed me to help my parents out with rent, buy my first car, and a few other perks.

A Yorkie Named Ginger

Romy and his family had a Yorkshire terrier named Ginger, which I groomed every few weeks. Given that Romy and his family are animal lovers they became one of my best customers. Ginger disappeared one sad day, and Romy adopted a Schnauzer, which I can’t recall the name (if I look into my old dog grooming log I might be able to find his name), but that cute Schnauzer became another dog I groomed for Romy.

I Believe in Supporting my Customers

I was also Romy’s customer since at one point he was the owner of Pizza Heaven Restaurant, and during college, it used to be one of my favorite places to have lunch and dinner. There was good quality food at a great price made me want to visit them a few times a week. After many years the restaurant was sold, and I lost contact with Romy for a few years.

Facebook Re-connected me with Romy

I got in touch with Romy via Facebook a few years ago again, and he had mentioned at one point that he was selling insurance. I had to buy my premiums for my business liability, so I went ahead and contacted him. I was amazed by the excellent service he gave me. Different to other insurance salespeople he ended up being a real Insurance Agent that walked me through the options I had to secure my business. I became Romy’s customer once again, and we kept conversations going.

A few months ago Romy decided that he wanted to set up his website and improve his online presence. I saw this as a great opportunity because I love working with motivated small business owners like Romy that are focused on taking care of their customers.

New Project, New Challenge

I stepped up to the challenge and gave Romy a proposal that he accepted, and we started creating

Romy pretty much gave me the green light to create a new image. We started with the re-design of the logo created by my favorite Digital Artist @ricklipsett.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Once we had the logo and colors, we moved over to developing the website. We launched the website and have integrated a blog that gives people insight on how to correctly choose insurance services.

My Client is older than my Business

Having a relationship not only has brought me good business with Romy but I have the privilege to say that although CIMA IT Solutions is a little over three years in operations, I have a client that has been with me for 16 years.

I am so happy to have Romy as one of the more motivated and focus small business owners I know as a client.

How long have you had your oldest customer or client? Why have reasons kept him or them with you?

If you are looking for insurance needs in Puerto Rico feel free to contact Romy and take a look at  Feel free to share your opinion on the site.

I will follow up with a future post on why Romy he has given me business all these years.

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  1. thank you men on August 21, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Appreciated raul!!!, what can i say, costumer support, excelent response, trust, excelent web management,profesionalism. Thanks.