The Good Windmill

Gambella Windmill

photo credit by AJ Leon

As I look into the many things that we can make happen, I look at the intentions of each individual vs the actions they take and at times it can be totally different.

I focus on contributing to my environment vs. going after accomplishments and awards. I was able to explain my approach on life a lot better after visiting Fargo, ND this past June and learning from a unique bunch, the Misfits.

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to be part of a GoToMeeting Video call  capturing a view at the end result of the efforts of 30+ Good Misfits and others who collaborated in the Good Misfit Project.  After finishing the call and talking with my other half Lucy, I clearly saw two variations on how one technology like a windmill can be used for good and bad.

The Good Windmill

This past june AJ Leon, Melissa Leon, and Jessie White 30+ Good misfits decided to run a project where we would raise funds to build a windmill in Africa.

First Look at the Gambella Windmill from Misfit, Inc. on Vimeo.

Different to the huge structures that where placed in Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico, this windmill had the purpose of making a village self sustainable. It would allow year round irrigation for crops and bring countless opportunities for improving the lives of many families. The structure is one that will bring benefits without the side effects.

With raising $21,000 we impacted positively the lives of many families in Africa which struggle every day with getting some of the basic needs that many of us give take for granted.

First Impressions of the Gambella Windmill from Misfit, Inc. on Vimeo.

The Not so Good Windmills of Puerto Rico

In Puerto Rico 44 windmills went up and a few individuals made themselves richer, while depleting the resources from the land and the communities they occupy. Not much different than when the conquistadores came and took the resources of the natives Tainos (now extinct). Sadly 500 years later, people are still amazed when something new arrives without analyzing the possible threat this may bring.

In Africa one small windmill is going to change the lives of many in a positive way. Many small communities came together to help strangers in a different part of the world by making donations of money and time to improve their lives.

Which windmill project would you be proud of being a part of?

Which windmill project contributes to the well being of making the world better?

Celebration Day in Gambella from Misfit, Inc. on Vimeo.

Special Thanks to the Following

  • Jessie M. White for motivating me and Bianca to reach out goal.
  • To AJ Leon and Melissa Leon for allowing us to be part of their awesome idea and project.
  • Bianca Estrada also known as Payasa Agapita for working with me to reach the goal.
  • To the Group of Individuals that donated and helped us achieve our goal (in no specific order):
Gambella Windmill

photo credit by Misfit Inc.


  1. dianebrogan on August 22, 2013 at 5:09 pm

    Miracles still are possible when people work together.

    • Raul Colon on August 22, 2013 at 5:19 pm

      Yes this is purely awesome! Thanks for commenting Diane!

  2. Adriana - GreatFood360° on August 22, 2013 at 5:59 pm

    Thanks for presenting the opportunity and challenging us to change (a little bit of) the world. As long as I can, I will support you in projects like this one.

    • Raul Colon on August 22, 2013 at 7:36 pm

      @adrianagreatfood360:disqus thanks for the support very grateful!