Our Visit to Santa’s Academy at the Mall of San Juan

Santa's Elf Academy

My daughter is turning 5 soon. Before she was born, we did not celebrate Christmas. Once she was born, we were not sure if it was appropriate to create a fantasy out of the entire Christmas experience. With time, we both gave in and let our daughter enjoy the magic of Santa Claus. The past…

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I Can and I Will #JaneTheVirgin

I Can and I Will #JaneTheVirgin

As I did my morning writing exercise this morning I clearly did not see anything I wanted to publish. I went on my morning walk  with my dog and flipping through my phone I saw the Latino Rebels had written a post on Gina Rodriguez. Many of you already know Gina from Jane The Virgin.…

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Ignacio’s Science School of Rock

Science Rock Start

My struggle with music is trying to find more time to listen to more albums, more songs, and more artists. I find relaxation in music and I use it to trigger emotions from helping me wake me up to focusing on the task at hand. Music as an Educational Tool Looking back I see how…

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The only follower I worry about Pt 2, My Parenting Coach

I rarely create follow up posts but I guess this is an exception to a post I wrote a year ago (The only follower I worry about). In a world where too many are extremely worried of who is following (Twitter), friending (facebook), or circling (Google +) and forgetting about genuine engagement I am always…

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