Puerto Rico’s “Friendliest” Tour Guide #Sarcasm

Eric Moccabee

Many of you enjoy my beach pictures and most of the time I try to project the beauty of Puerto Rico. Only on certain occasions do I share the negatives of living on an island. An island where some individuals care very little about the lives of others. I always joke around that one of…

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How I captured the Attention of 10k+ people in a day

Water Bird Eating

I have been sharing my thoughts and experiences online since I set up my first website in 1998 on Tripod.com; a version full of ads is still available on the free hosting service. It took me some time to set up my personal blog (this one) as a project. After running multiple blogs which were geared…

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Let the Puerto Rican Beach “Pigs” Pay

Today I saw a tweet by the Police of Puerto Rico communicating to every responsible citizen to bring bags for their trash and make sure they take the trash back home. Camino a la playa con la familia? No olvide llevar una bolsa de basura. Pásela bien y mantenga la playa limpia. pic.twitter.com/mwpkd87FWP — Policía…

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The Pollution Problem #PuertoRico Fails to Hide

Isla Verde Beach

I usually share a picture of my views on my beach walks and many might think I truly live in Paradise. When I try to explain the reality of how I put a positive spin to a place with very serious issues, most people quite don’t understand and some might not even believe me. I…

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