Google + Gained me a Fierce Friend

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Before I Left for #SXSW I made sure I monitored the hashtag for weeks. I created a Google + circle of those that where going to be in Austin during the interactive part of the conference. For those of you that don’t find a use towards Google + I Can only say that my SXSW experience was enhanced because I used Google+ as a tool to connect people prior to arriving in Austin.

I got to meet some awesome people that I will mention a few of them on my next post but someone really stood out and went the extra mile.

Going above and Beyond

Mr. James Fierce was the most helpful person I met during #SXSW. The day before SXSW he was nice enough to go to Casa De Luz a Vegan Restaurant that our new friend Nando Caban recommended. James later on drove me to the Convention center where not only did I not have to take a cab but I was also saved of missing the huge line to pickup my badge on the say of the conference.

We also had a small glitch and lost the parking lot where we parked the car. I had lost a car in a parking lot but loosing the complete parking lot was a new experience to me. Thanks to a Pedi cab we where able to find our way back and the building where we parked the vehicle.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

James Fierce

Different to my first year at SXSW I did see many things at the conference where a bit unorganized. The main thing that was unorganized was the R&R Shuttle. It left me at the Airport even though I had prepaid it. On multiple other days we waited more than we should to make it to the convention center. Thanks to James I had the opportunity after a long day to be driven to the hotel in a line waiting for a shuttle.

I learned a lot from James. We had many long conversations on multiple subjects that we agreed on. He genuinely is such a great guy.

These are the opportunities that arise when you take the time to know people versus trying to run an online popularity contest by making lots of noise.

 Feel free to say hi to James on Google + or visit the site of the most amazing chocolate he introduced me to (Chocbite).

Before I forget thank you James for everything.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico