Being Motivated by Man’s Best Friend

Keep moving Forward

These last few days I had the opportunity to relax and disconnect from the efforts I am currently running. Ever since I started my own consulting practice CIMA IT Solutions Corp. I have not been able to disconnect from all the efforts I am running (because I enjoy all the efforts I get myself into).

I also had the privilege to spend some quality time with my Black Labrador who’s name was inspired by multiple twitter comments and a vote, JuanGa. I was able to take JuanGa to the countryside, beach, and today I took him for a Jog.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

While I was jogging with him I realized that his long weekend had left him exhausted but he still wanted to keep up with his owner. He did not give up although I could see he was struggling.

I was inspired to write this post thanks to fellow twitterer @thebrandbuilder and one of his best blog posts I have ever read 21 things my dog taught me about being a better man” in which he creatively explains how his Golden Retriever, Sasha, taught him many lessons in life. (I highly recommend you to read this post as I really enjoyed it.)

After our jog I realized that I too can learn from JuanGa just as @thebrandbuilder learned from his beloved “Sasha”. I think it is related to item #20 on the post.

20. When you chase the ball, CHASE the fucking ball. Two reasons: a) It’s a chase. You don’t half-ass a chase. You go all out. It’s what you do. It’s the point. b) You don’t want some other mutt to get to the ball before you and slobber it all up, do you?

The main reason i took Juanga for a Job today was that he is very persistent when he wants attention. He will do anything to have you play fetch with him or just get some belly rubs. He will not stop until he gets what he wants. These last few days Juanga has gotten an overdose of attention (especially yesterday being one of the only puppies swimming in the Caribbean, everyone wanted to pet him) so it has pretty much tired him out.

So observing him I have realized that I need to copy a bit more of his attitude he will not back down until he gets what he wants (without being disobedient and being as cute as possible). Once he gets what he wants then he enjoys it to its fullest. Once the activity is finished then is time for JuanGa to Relax.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Juanga Taking a Nap!!!

Are you going after all your interests?

Are those interests bringing you unique  and enjoyable experiences?

Are you taking time to Relax?

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