The Presidential Suite,Valuable Socks, & a Priceless Moment
Yesterday morning I woke up at the Presidential Suite of the Caribe Hilton, the last two occasions I have stayed at the Caribe Hilton I have been upgraded to a suite, but on this occasion it was a Major upgrade. On both occasions I was staying only one night and regretted not staying longer.
Work and no time for Partying
The Presidential Suite was perfect for having a large group of friends come and enjoy the great view; I even wish some of the readers of this blog had made it so we could chat. Reality was I had to get ready for the presentation I was about to give at 3:30pm for the folks at ISACA attending the Information Security and Risk Management Conference and did not have much time to party.
My presentation would cover Corporate Guidelines for Social Media Efforts from a perspective to helping the auditors, security, and corporate governance professionals understand the many moving parts of social media platforms. If you where not able to attend the ISACA Conference I have included my presentation below.
[slideshare id=9560221&doc=isaca-official-latincacsv2-final-111005111804-phpapp01]
I Just Needed Socks
If any of you at the conference took a look at my feet you would be more than happy to know that my good friend Melvin took care of made me sure my feet had the right kind of socks for the occasion.
Just went I felt I had reviewed my presentation enough times I went to prepare what I was going to wear. When looking into my luggage I saw I had forgotten my socks so I quickly called one of my friends to bring me a pair. I did not have enough time to go out and shop for socks but my good friend Melvin Rodriguez (one the most fashion savvy friends I have) did me a huge favor in coming over to the hotel and sharing a pair of valuable socks that matched perfectly with my suit and tie. I guess if you are going to have someone bring you socks you really want Melvin to take care of that because he breathes fashion. I am so grateful to have good friends like Melvin that rise to the equation when I need them. Sometimes the small things in life do make a big difference throughout our day. Bringing me a pair of socks might not have been a great task in Melvin’s eye but if I take into consideration the price of gas, the expensive parking at the Caribe Hilton, and the time he took of his day to help me out those Socks become very valuable.
Getting Bad News
After my presentation I was pretty happy with the body feedback I got from the audience. I later sat down with a few of the attendees and discussed a bit more about the subject and after more than an hour I decided to head home. While I am getting on an exit Lucy informed me that Steve Jobs CEO of Apple had lost his battle with Cancer. Given the Apple Fan that I am and how my dad, uncle, and my grandma are currently battling Cancer many things crossed my mind while I was driving for the next hour. I was happy later to read that Steve left us in a peaceful way. I will send my prayers to him as I continuously pray for my family members battling cancer including my Grandmother which I went to visit last week because she is loosing the battle (although every day I pray for a miracle to happen so I can have my Grandma a bit longer and my Dad can continue to have conversations with his mom I really want her to be at Peace).
Once I got home I was greeted first by my Four Legged Son Juanga and my 9 month daughter with a huge smile. I spent the next hour or more with Daniela in my arms since the last few weeks I have had more travel than usual and have not been as close as I want with her. After a while my daughter felt comfortable enough to go to sleep in my arms. After thinking so much of how short our time is here on this earth I think moments of like when my daughter goes to sleep in my arms are priceless and precious. As a Dad I enjoy everything these events repeat themselves.
Leaving a Legacy
I will not be posting Steve Jobs content online as I do think many others are giving us enough to remember him for the great things he did and how he changed the world and many of our lives. At this moment I am writing this post on a MacBook Pro and had to reference something on my iPad 2. I received the message that Steve passed away on my iPhone 4 and also read some of the posts of his passing shared on both the iPhone and the iPad.
After reading The Time We’re Losing by my good friend @chrisbrogan I decided I have to make sure I keep that post printed somewhere so I can review every once in a while. This way I have a constant reminder to make sure I make the most of my time and touch as many lives as I can. Chris has some great points on how we need to focus on making our time as valuable as possible and not giving value to things that should be at the end of our list.
How many of us can say that we have done so much in so little time like Steve Jobs?
What are waiting for to make that happen?
I can’t wait to read your thoughts!
The closest I’ve been to a presidential suite was on the lobby of a hotel.
Great to know you are enjoying your work. You’ve earned it. Congratulations.
Me hubiese gustado que amigos como tu hubiesen podido ir a disfrutar de la experiencia. Un abrazo hermano y gracias por el apoyo.