Posts Tagged ‘Viejo San Juan’
A Little Bit of Rainbow Over the Tropics
A Little Bit of Rainbow Over the Tropics Landscape Photography of Puerto Rico by Raúl Colón Buy Your Copy Rainbow over Isla Verde Beach! The first month of the year usually brings a good amount of rainbows over Isla Verde beach. As I walked today on my morning walk with my labrador Juanga. I was able to capture…
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Buy a Copy of “Viejo San Juan Bay Sunset” You deserve to have a digital copy of some of the pictures I have taken of Puerto Rico. [cc_product sku=”img-0057″ display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] [cc_product sku=”img-0057-c” display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] [cc_product sku=”img-0057-d” display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] My Thoughts on the Image I use to plan my days with lots of details. I surely…
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