Sunrise in Isla Verde

Sunrise Isla Verde Beach

[cc_product sku=”img-0085″ display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] [cc_product sku=”img-0085-c” display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] [cc_product sku=”img-0085-d” display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] My Thoughts on the Image     We sometimes seem to forget of how lucky we can be. I take these moments in the morning capturing the sunrise and enjoying nature to remind myself.

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How not to Handle a Hotel’s Social Media Presence

Courtyard Marriott

For years I have been working with clients on how to manage their online efforts. I can assure you that the way the Courtyard of Isla Verde is managing their online responses is not the right way. At one point, I advised a few hospitality industry clients on how to use these tools. A few…

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Courtyard Marriott Employee Running Over People

Courtyard Marriott Employee Running Over People

As stated in our previous blog posts of the violence being condoned and nurtured by the Courtyard Marriott of Isla Verde, Courtyard Marriott Employee Hurting Locals Here we share a video from Carlos Perez, a veteran journalist, just moments before the employee cuts off another car and runs over the activists. There is more to…

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A Courtyard Hotel Attacking Mother Nature’s Guardians

Playas para el Pueblo

It has been over 3 years of hearing the waves at night since making the choice to live near the beach. I’ve been seeing beautiful sunsets and sunrises over the water just a few steps from what I call home. I have seen wildlife up close from sea turtle babies making it to sea,  to dolphins…

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Sunrise in Puerto Rico’s Isla Verde Beach

Sunrise in Isla Verde ●

Get your Own Prints and Copies of “Sunrise in Puerto Rico’s Isla Verde Beach” A great way to support my photography and own some of my latest work. [cc_product sku=”img-0002″ display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] [cc_product sku=”img-0002-c” display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] [cc_product sku=”img-0002-d” display=”horizontal” quantity=”false” price=”true”] My Thoughts on the Image

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