Help Me Keep the Momentum for @SerPuertoRico


Something that I find great about being connected online is the great opportunity that arises to get things done in a virtual way and cost effective way.
I was approached by @kolapse who handles @serpuertorico’s online presence to learn about their brand new digital campaign. I want to point out that Jorge from @kolapse manages @serpuertorico’s presence by donating his time and resources, it would be great if you send a tweet Jorge’s way thanking for the time he donates to @serpuertorico.

For those of you who are familiar with @serpuertorico in the past they use to sell stickers which where footprints with the donor’s name.  I guess that when you look at the costs involved printing the stickers they decided to move into a digital format.

When Jorge, from @kolapse initially spoke to me about the campaign I was really excited to see it online.
Today after a great weekend at the @sanjuanmarriott  I decided to check my email and I found the link to @serpuertorico’s Dale Movimiento which in Spanish means give it movement.
I really liked the Pin Wheel motivating people to keep the Campaign’s momentum by having people donate.

Once you finished donating it gives you a link which is unique so you can recruit other people to donate. Please visit this link ( so I can recruit you in the effort!


It also keeps a tally of how much you have raised.

So similar to my Thanksgiving post a few days ago “It’s Not about the Turkey! Happy Thanksgiving” I really would enjoy having you guys donate to one of my favorite Puerto Rico Charities.
The site is in spanish so if you need any help running to the process feel free to tweet me at @consultantrc or Contact Me.

¿What do you think of the Campaign? ¿Did you already Donate?