Experimenting. A Solution to Analysis Paralysis
I love taking experimenting with new things and taking risks. Like every other person when I take a risk of doing something new, I know there is a probability of failing. However that does not stop me from trying out new things.
The older I get the more I realize that to achieve results you have to attempt things and get them running. On some occasions given lack of resources you might not have an option but too attempt it yourself. The reality is that taken this attitude will also bring many failures that will eventually take you to bigger and successful projects.
Analysis Paralysis
I see many people like you and me that could accomplish great things if they at least started things and later tweaked it along the way. A mistake I made when I set up my first project, as a small business owner in 2008 was the excessive planning I did without finding the proper balance on the execution side. I attempted to run my small company as the companies I consulted and worked for. I analyzed deeply every possibly situation which resulted in delaying the process where I could start recovering the resources I had invested.
Identifying Opportunities
Once I see an opportunity I go after it. Now research and analysis consists of trying to see how I can get to where I need to be with the least resources so I can start a project.
My Latest Experiments
About a month ago I had the opportunity to spend time with Alan Weinkrantz. While he was taking Pictures in Old San Juan he gave shared some great advice on why I should take my own pictures and not use Creative Commons.
For the past month I have spend a considerable amount of time using Instagram and my Point and Shoot Camera (Ricoh CX2 ← Affiliate Link) capturing images which I can use in my blog posts, presentation, and other projects. Alan helped me understand that capturing images enhances the experience of sharing my story.
Creating Video
The other day I had the privilege to learn a few things from Bianca Estrada (@biancaest) who creates some really neat videos for Payasa Agapita. Bianca and her husband Fernando took their time and drove for 2+ hours to my house. We quickly setup a green screen to create a tutorial on how easy it could be done if you just wanted to have fun. It was a neat learning experience because when we saw the end product we realized we have many things we need to improve upon.
For me it was a win situation because I saw the unique creative process Bianca and her husband Fernando use to create a videos like the one below.
Don’t Let the Experts Say You can’t do it.
I can sit here and de-construct the many glitches I found on the video I did with Bianca and Fernando and worry about how we did not get the results we expected. I rather take a different approach and look at what I gained when I published the video below when others might think we should have not shared it.
Listen to Experts that Encourage You
When it comes to video I love listening and learning from my friend Steve Garfield back in 2010 he convinced me that to create video all I needed to do was have a device that could capture video. He also wrote Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business ( ← Amazon Affiliate Link), I consider it a manual towards creating online video. Overall Steve does a great job at sharing his knowledge on creating videos with others.
Thanks to the glitches the video above had we received constructive criticism from someone who had some great suggestions on how we could improve our Green Screen effects video. He also accepted to create a more advanced tutorial which will be publishing as a guest post in a day or two so feel free to subscribe to my blog and receive it directly via email.
Use the Experts when You Can
My previous message of not listening to the experts does not mean you should not use them. I am a fan of hiring experts for more professional matters and things I don’t feel capable of doing. To create my logos and creative images on my website I use Rick Lipsett. When I wanted to get a new Avatar I hired my high school friend and professional photographer Cesar Santiago. Even to Cut the Grass I hire landscapers because they do a better and quicker job at it.
Maybe one day I might be able to hire the expertise of Tommy Walker from Inside the Mind to create the storyline and edit my videos or my friend Alfredo Richner from Puerto Rico Indie to shoot the video locally. Until I can afford it I will have to give it a try on my own.
I believe success is doing the things you like to do and staying away from having to do those that you don’t like.
I rather try something and fail. By not trying it you keep yourself away from the experience or opportunity to learn and improve it.
So do me a favor try something new this week?
Do something that might be out of your comfort zone?
Once you accomplish it share with those around you and listen to their feedback?
Are you up for the challenge?
Hello there! Glad to be mentioned in the post. And I have to say that I learned too from you and Lucy. You have been suggesting new things to improve the Agapita experience and I began working on that. I already have received great feedback
You have been a great advisor for me, and well, I will be waiting for the “advanced green screen” post
I have learned lots from you and your representatives Fernando and Bianca. If only we could find more excuses to spend more quality time!
Raul this is such a great message, and what it really all boils down to is Do your own thing.
For the longest time, I tried blogging “correctly”. I’d get lost in the words, when really, as it relates to online marketing anyways, there are certain moments of hilarity that, for me, can not be captured in text.
I’m finding I’m much more comfortable on video, and do a better job at communicating my perspective there.
But that initial “flinch” as Julien Smith puts it, was hard to get past.
Keep up the good work, and looking forward to seeing more “you” stuff here
I think that seeing more of me is something I need to work with.
Their is no way to blog correctly. I have seen so many blogs I don’t agree with but usually have a captive audience. There is no wrong way to go at it!
Don’t Let the Experts Say You can’t do it.
I will like to add that experts can bombard you with so many different things that you “supposedly” need to accomplish something when you can do it using another approach and without spending a ton of money. This is especially true regarding blogging, social media and pretty soon in video production for the web.
I’m very happy that you will publish my greenscreen tutorial guest post. I hope it helps your community improve their videos and encourage them to try something new, except stealing cardboard boxes from a trashcan in Mayagüez
(I asked permission to do that scene by the way). I will monitor the guest post comments and will do my best to answer any questions your community have.
As soon as I get a chance to edit it and you approve the edits will publish it.
Everyone has áreas where they dominate but so many forget that everyone is good at something. I feel I am good at a few things but I never call myself an expert.
I also listen to the experts that have a can do attitude and realize they are good at some things and might need to focus on improving others.
Real experts don’t even worry about using titles or showing how much they know. Others will follow and request of them their knowledge.
So I still believe that if you want to succeed in life on many occasions you have to mute the experts and go at it yourself. If you put enough passion into what you are doing eventually you will dominate what you do or you will end up along the road in need of help from those who know more than you on specific things. Thanks again for submitting the guest post!