Benefits of Being Vegetarian In January

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

The christmas festivities are finally finished as I had written in Assaults & Longest Holiday Season Puerto Rico and some other parts of the Caribbean have one of the longest Holiday Seasons.

The last few weeks I have heard my fair share of people complaining on how they have gained weight over the holidays. I have seen how many others have written on their social profiles how they are still pigging procrastinating when they will stop eating unhealthy.

I have to admit that ever since I started my business CIMA IT Solutions I have not done a good job at working out. I have been sitting in a chair creating and executing to get my business moving and keeping it with a descent momentum.

Thankfully there are not many vegetarian recipes that are Traditional Puerto Rican Holiday food which helps me stay away from eating too much. Most people see being vegetarian as a diet it is more of lifestyle. I have opted for not eating meat mainly to be healthy all do there are other reasons Why I Don’t Eat Meat!.

I try to eat healthy things but I am human and sometimes will not choose the best options to eat. Being vegetarian actually helps me have better options. Although there are ways around not eating healty when you are vegetarian like the Onion Rings that inspire 5 Reasons Why Homemade Onion Rings Are Like Original Content?.

Overall being vegetarian at first seemed like a sacrifice but many years into it, I realize that it makes things easier.

What things do you do to facilitate staying healthy? What things can you improve on?


  1. Mendezbenabe on January 27, 2011 at 2:39 am

    Yo engorde como 5lbs pero es pq mi abuela me hizo pasteles de soya estas navidades y mi tia me hizo de vegetales…. Estaban riquisimooooooooooos. No podia parar de comer.

    • Raul Colon on January 27, 2011 at 2:55 am

      Yo no puedo confiar mucho en la gente por que a veces no siguen un proceso adecuado. Usan algún producto no vegetariano…

  2. Mendezbenabe on January 27, 2011 at 2:42 am

    Le di share =)

    • Raul Colon on January 27, 2011 at 2:54 am
