Assaults & Longest Holiday Season

by kelvin255
Well actually it is not that kind of Assault you might be thinking of. In Puerto Rico we have one of the longest Christmas and Holiday seasons I have heard of. We start celebrating days before Thanksgiving and Finish the Holiday Season way into the end of January just about when we start our Carnaval Celebrations.
The assault is very common during the Holiday Season!
I will let you all see a related video that will give a better explanation on what an assault is.
@lucymfel was able to get this video thanks to @franklogic.
I have found a few effective ways to deter from assaults better known as parrandas.
Become Vegetarian – Most Puerto Ricans are not big fans of living a vegetarian lifestyle. Pork is a major part of the Puerto Rican Holiday Diet. I have not seen many vegetarian options that are traditional holiday plates. Even most of the Christmas songs are not vegetarian friendly.
Never keep a lot of Liquor stored at the house. If you hardly ever drink like me, make sure to let everyone know you are not a fan of drinking. Also let them know you never buy or store alcoholic beverages
Never Decorate your House on the Outside. By decorating the outside you are making an open invitation to a parranda. Not only will you save money on the electricity bill, help the planet. it will deter people that might have thought of bringing you a parranda.
Do you have any other ideas on how stay Parranda Free during the holidays?
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Que buenooo!
Luego de mirar esto me dan ganas de viajar a Puerto Rico, YA!
Excelente la buena onda, cultura y diversión!
Gracias Raúl por tu post y por compartirlo!
Un abrazo grande, desde Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gracias Paty.. que tengas un exitoso 2011.
Love the video! I have been living in Puerto Rico for years and have never been able to really describe a parranda to my family back in Boston. I sent them all a link to your site. Thanks for posting!
Stacey, Thanks for the comments and reading the post. Have a great 2011!
Raul, Gracias, Me encanto todos mis amigos de los estados sabran de esta tradicion porque le voy a dar un “share”. cuando mas joven participe de estas parandas en Brooklyn con unos Boricuas de San German que importe para alla. Felicidades en el reportaje, deseo lo mejor para ti y tu familia
Leo gracias por el apoyo.. Un abrazo!