Activists and Senators Arrested at Tallaboa, Peñuelas

My brother from another mother @pedroJulio and Senator Maria de

I have mixed feelings on today's attempt to stop Toxic ashes from being deposited in Peñuelas.

It was clear and evident that the cops were on the side of the larger corporations as they only arrested those who were on the front of the community and environment.

Truckers were celebrating the arrests and the abuse while trying to provoke the activists.

Most used their freedom of speech to express their feelings.

I wiggled around and was able to capture a few videos.

I will continue to edit and upload pictures.

I will also share what I captured with cops not being identified and hiding.

The New Secret Police

Several observers including myself told police leadership that officers were not wearing badges, and they decided to ignore the situation. The Police officers showed me they are not abiding by the same rules and laws applied to activists.

No Badge or name Tag visible. It seems to be under her vest. Female cops with name tags under their vest and some without their badge.

This cop in multiple occasions moved away so I could not take a picture of her not wearing identification.

This cop in multiple occasions moved away so I could not take a picture of her not wearing identification.

Truckers Stopped Traffic and Celebrated the Chaos

Truckers came to antagonize and create chaos. Over a bridge the truckers in the picture below where asking cops to use brutality to get rid of the protestors.

The first picture  is of truckers who had nothing to do with the ashes coming in to agitate the situation.

Trucks entertaining themselves as Activists are being arrested.

Trucks entertaining themselves as Activists are being arrested.

Those who poison Peñuelas and Puerto Rico and celebrate when th

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