Focus on Your Clients
One of the most complicated situations I have when I am working with a new client which (especially start-ups) is convincing them that they have to make their product attractive possible and/or current customers.
When a client approaches me on building a website or running a social media effort they usually have no idea of what they are going to include in their efforts.
On practically every occasion they have their mind set on making the effort or website for them instead of making it for there target market. It is a bit difficult to convince them at the beginning of doing the opposite. It takes time to educate a possible client in creating an effort that is attractive to them and not to the public they want to reach.
The other day I read Nobody cares about your products by @dmscott. (author of Real-Time Marketing and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your Business Now).
It really made it very clear for me to understand that unless you care about your clients in a genuine way the possibility is they won’t care about you.
So start caring about clients, creating relationships, and stop broadcasting your brand.
How will you focus on your clients needs?
What type of content would be more relevant to your clients and community?
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For many in tech this is a big problem. I work with a lot of clients too that talk way too much about themselves on their site – a big fail. Customers don’t care about us, they care about themselves. It’s human nature, and a fact of business.
One way to get out of the “me focused” mindset is to talk with customers as much as possible. Look at how they talk on their sites and blogs, and those of others in their industry.
The more you know about them the better you connect and the more work you’ll get.
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I think even I have been at fault of talking more about my company on my corporate blog than talk about others.
It is a learning process for many of us. I am currently re-branding and restructuring my corporate blog to focus more on client needs.
This is a tough one Raul. It is certainly difficult to connect with the clients either because they don’t know exactly what they need or what they are looking for or maybe because some have technical knowledge and are blinded by that.
I agree with Robert, the more you know about them the better as you will understand what they need. Communication is certainly a key in finding solutions to the client needs.
Great article.
Thank you for the compliments. People like you help me give great service to my clients and find a better understanding. Thank you once again for being part of that community.
Good article. From what I have learn so far, it all comes down to one simple thing, listening. Every business person loves to talk about their business and all I do is listen and ask more about what they are talking to keep the conversation going. Is just like a date, you want to know more about the person you are dating. Listening also applies to social media marketing, in fact, that one of the keys to success.
I think so many companies have to take the role of listening.. they are all talking too much but jumping over the listening part.
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