Book Review – Content Rules


I had the opportunity to see @cc_chapman talk live during the Inbound Marketing Summit 2010. I started following him  since I was becoming a New Dad and he also founded a blog for Daddy bloggers.

About a month ago he launched his new book Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business (Affiliate Link) which he co-authored with @MarketingProfs (Ann Handley).

After attending the  Inbound Marketing Summit I got a better picture on what I had to do with my clients and myself on improving content.

Which took me to one of the key questions on “What Should I do?”.

The book Content Rules really answers that question in various ways:

Understanding what the right sort of content means.

Including Interesting Quotes or Lines I found in the book.

Think Acorns Not Trees

Information Annuity

Most content Obfuscates rather than Eliminate options.

Not hitting a Home Run every time, but if you hit enough doubles and triples you can win the game.

Importance of creating content as a cornerstone which also creates value.

If you think this book might not be focused towards your needs and clients think again I really enjoyed how they use the term buyer with terms that can apply to everyone:

  • subscriber
  • voter
  • donors
  • applicants
  • attendees
  • worshippers
  • new members

If you did not find any of the above terms to apply to your online efforts feel free to share but it pretty much covers most audiences (buyers) when creating online content.

I also really enjoyed the Case Studies included on diverse industries and companies that have been very successful in using content for their social media efforts.

If you want to get more insight on some of the terms I included in this post I highly recommend you to get your copy of Content Rules.

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Here is a great review for Content Rules from another Great Author Scott Stratten (@unmarketing) if you have not read his book [amazon_link id=”047061787X” target=”_blank” ]Unmarketing[/amazon_link] I highly recommend you to read it.