Asking for a Birthday Gift or Kick Starting One?
A few days ago I was joking around with @lucymfel on ways to upgrade my current camera Ricoh CX2 9.29MP (Black) (Affiliate Link since my Flip Cam Died on me a few months ago and I need one that can Record Video and take even better pictures. First I mentioned that if I were able to close a new deal or project I would assign a commission to buy this camera. I always have strange ideas on how I need to get to my goals so with lots of humor I suggested that I would create a kick starter for that gift and have at least 800 of my Google +, Facebook, and Twitter contacts give me a dollar I would be able to buy the camera Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital SLR Camera (affiliate link) that Alfredo from @puertoricoindie suggested.
Going along with my Humor
After posting my idea on Facebook and Google + I got some encouragement from two of the people I have known online for many years and would love to meet one day Olivier Blanchard and Margie Clayman. Since they have known me online for some time they both added fuel to the fire in their humorous ways.
Since they read into my humor and probably where surprised that I was asking for something (in a very selfish way) they played along. On Google Plus someone Ed Fonseca reminded me that Kickstarter did not allow such a project and recommended using indiegogo. Funny enough I went into Kickstarter to verify their rules and saw that it explicitly says that you can’t buy yourself your own camera.
Building a Business Case for my Camera
With a Camera I could do many things to enhance many of my efforts (Papa Heroes & Veglatino), I could also take better pictures of the events I get invited too, enhance my websites/blogs to attract more possible customers, improve the websites of my clients, or even better yet creating better awareness of the charities I support.
Many Things can be accomplished
There are many things I can accomplish with my camera but overall the fact that I was taught as a kid by my parents, Uncle Irving, Grandma Lydia, and Grandpa Irving that I should not ask for things and always be willing to give make it a part of my lifestyle. There are extreme occasions where it is ok to ask for something but in this case I will take a different approach.
Asking for a Birthday Gift
On my Birthday and specific dates throughout the year I use them to reflect at how things have changed from my past birthday. Looking back I can identify two charities I can identify myself with and would like you to give to them.
My friend Mark Hovarth (@hardlynormal) as I have mentioned in previous occasions helps homeless people by sharing their story. He does incredible things that I sometimes should replicate. I would like you to support his efforts. Stop over and do the following share a video, share a link to one of his awesome posts, and donate what ever you can to his cause.
Our friends at Animal Welfare of Culebra & are always rescuing dogs and they always need help when it comes to covering the costs of running an animal shelter. Visit their page and donate a few dollars whatever you can.
As for me I think I am good enough for know with my Ricoh CX2 camera and the gifts @lucymfel & @danielalcolon gave me this morning.
Remember if you can’t donate $$ look for a way of donating your time, listening to someone, doing something that will probably get others to their objectives. Just saying hi and talking to a person in need 15 minutes will help make them feel human. Last year I also included a few more wishes I had for my Birthday.
Have a nice day and ending this post on a “Selfish Note“.
Happy Birthday To ME!
Raúl Happy Birthday to you.
Thanks for making it special!
Deseandote mucha felicidad y que disfrutes tu dia. Ya veo que lo haz comensado de buen humor. Me alegro.
@bellavida:disqus mil gracias por el mensaje. De seguro voy a disfrutar mi día aca trabajando y haciendo lo que me gusta!
Um, I wasn’t being humorous! I think you guys should give me a yacht. I meant every word of that. What was funny???
I adore you. I am glad to hear your birthday was awesome. As it should be.