When A Call To Action Becomes Part of Your Life!

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

I have had a few phrases in my life that I have kept developing and have stuck with me for a long time.

One of those phrases that created a huge call to action that I live with every day was given to me by a friend who I sadly lost touch with a few years ago. I have written about him on various occasions My Good Friend John Duncan.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Good old John was a good old boy from the South, Oklahoma to be more precise. If I can recall he did not finish college which troubled him dearly but he was such a library of information from business, politics, history, and so many other topics that I learned a lot from during the years. The best quality Duncan has was how intelligently he created practical solutions you could easily implement in any scenario.

On one occasion where I was very frustrated with some of the things that happen oftenly and  I remember I used to the Phrase well “that is the way it is”.

John passionately corrected me with the following phrase:

Raul, “That is the Way it is, Because You allow it to be that Way”.

After hearing this and finally internalizing it I have changed my way of approaching things. John was a great example on how he got his way (being fair) no matter what the situation was. He was great with words and very passionate (I guess the psychological effect of being over 6 feet and having worked most of his life in construction also helped him convince when his words fail to convince.)

I live on an Island where people have been accustomed towards conforming to what is given to them. For many reasons culturally and politically conformism is part of our identity as much as I sometimes regret it.

Are there things you allow people to get away with that you don’t agree with?

Every day I see there is something I can fix I give it my best at fixing it that is why I write here every time I see something that is unfair. When I spot a customer service issue I write about it but first I take action and try to fix it.

John gave me a lot of advice but that simple phrase has helped me understand that I can change many things I probably had conformed too.

What advice has been life changing for you?

What motivates you to take action when you think something can be improved or  enhanced?

photo credit: laverrue


  1. Anonymous on February 10, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    Wow, this is a great philosophy! You need to pass this Papi Julio! Me and him talk about this all the time, hermano.

    • Raul Colon on February 10, 2011 at 7:16 pm

      I think in our culture it is very easy to see people conforming to certain things!