Valuable Interruptions vs. Long Lasting Memories

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Interruptions are something many people try to stay away from. After my daughter was born I would say my way of dealing with interruptions has changed greatly.

I personally see them as a pause in the momentum; we have to be able to enjoy the most important things in life a bit more.

Dolphins Near the Beach

A few days ago while I was working on my latest project and Lucy was getting my daughter ready to go for their daily beach walk I received an interruption.

My friend Melvin was walking on the beach to the gym and got a glimpse of a dolphin. He immediately notified me so I could also enjoy the neat visit from such beautiful creatures.

Check it Off the Bucket List

All my life I have been waiting for that moment of watching a dolphin in his natural habitat. When I was a kid, I watched Flipper reruns on Nickelodeon.

Being vegan and against having dolphins in captivity, I have to say getting to see one in its natural habitat was an experience I will never forget.

After I saw the dolphin I shared a quick update on Facebook where Melvin reminded me of the importance of those short moments in life in which a few seconds make a big difference.

Those few seconds will be stored in your memory for the rest of your life.

The Interruption was Very Important

What I was doing was not as important as I would have thought. I was able to finish it in record time due to the fact that watching the dolphins cleared my mind and helped me focus more on my work.

Sometimes we forget to stop and enjoy our surroundings. We spend time watching TV and other people’s lives on reality TV shows when we are missing out on our own lives.

Next time you get interrupted and you think there is something better to do, Go against those inner demons trying to stop you from enjoying life.

As I finished writing the draft of this post I was waiting for my favorite morning interruption creator to wake up.

My beautiful daughter is a daily interruption I look forward to having and I stop everything for her.

I hope your day has at least one interruption that ends in giving you joy! If not let me know and I can interrupt you with some ideas on how to make it better.

Any interruptions where you realize the interruption was more valuable than that you where doing?