Trying To Understand My True Passion

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

A few days ago I read Jim Raffel’s  (@raffel) post on “Why your body of work matters”. Reading it I quickly saw names of two people who I admired. But one always stand out; Mr. Walt Disney. I have been a fan of his products as far as I can remember. The story will repeat itself as my daughter @danielalcolon will become a fan of his products since we have bought and received gifts with Disney characters.

In 2008 when I got back from our Disney Vacation, I  bought Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination (amazon affiliate link) which I had seen on a shelf at one Magic Kingdom store. Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto RicoWhile I was reading that book, I was notified that I was being terminated from my previous employer just as I was reading the part where Walt decided to go on his own because while working for another company they stole one of his characters and he lost the rights. Reading those lines on my @jetblue flight back home, struck a cor with how I felt about working for other companies and that is where the decision to start CIMA IT Solutions was made.  I was very frustrated with the commitment I made to companies and sadly they had no commitment towards me.

I have always been passionate about everything I do from my first small business grooming dogs to making sure I over-exceed my clients expectations. Thankfully, I can use every life experience in the past and use it towards my current passion which is connecting with readers of this post and other people that I interact with in many ways during the day and week. At CIMA IT Solutions I try to help others find their passion; my company was born trying to help those looking for a job at the now extinct job board.

My current passion is using technology to align it to business goals and I find the online world a perfect place to be passionate about many things while being able to do it 24/7.

Some people might disagree with me and would tell you to be passionate about one thing and you can succeed. Reading Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination helped me understand that there is a key part in reaping benefits from your passions. You need to produce and create. If you are always trying to absorb and learn that is great but I have found much more benefit when I get off my butt and create things like when I create a blog post so you can stop by and read it.

Hopefully there will come a moment where everything I have been passionate about and the many lessons I have learned throughout my experiences will give me an edge in helping others find their true passion.  Until that moment comes, just like Disney I will be striving for the perfect product  and enjoying what I do.

My true passion is discovering new projects and interests while putting most of my focus into that specific task or project I have at hand and trying to make the best out of it while I have fun!

What are you passionate about?


  1. Gabriele Maidecchi on April 7, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    Everyone becoming an entrepreneur has to show passion, otherwise he would stay in the comfortable employee world. Being into business isn’t easy and you have not just to show passion in what you offer to your potential customers, but also to people working for you or cooperating with you. Good leaders inspire people working for them, and that really is the key to shape and maintain a successful team.

    • Raul Colon on April 7, 2011 at 5:05 pm


      Your comments tend to be the most thought provoking. I remember a while back where I read a post Chris Brogan wrote on being an owner of your own world even when you are an employee.

      Very thought provoking posts!

      • Gabriele Maidecchi on April 8, 2011 at 9:42 am

        Thanks Raul, I just like to give my 2 cents when the argument is so interesting 😉

  2. Prometeo on April 7, 2011 at 10:19 pm

    I read somewhere that “nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”. Putting your heart and passion on what you do will get you far.

    For some reason this post reminded me of a character in my favorite Manga series “Naruto”, Might Guy
    . That ninja is always enthusiastic about everything he does and each time he does something his goal is to surpass his previous achievement. He is one of the strongest in the series and is always getting better. Each time he appears he does something new and cool.

    Before I end up writing an entry about Naruto let me tell you to keep up that attitude, it’s contagious and everyone around you will benefit just like those around Might Guy do. Oops there I go again writing about Naruto, better get to writing an entry to shake it off my system.