The Perception of Things

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

I remember back in February of 2005 Central Park was covered with Saffron colored nylon.

The Gates was a site-specific work of art by Christo and Jeanne-Claude. The artists installed 7,503 vinyl “gates” along 23 miles (37 km) of pathways in Central Park in New York City. From each gate hung a panel of deep saffron-colored nylon fabric. The exhibit ran from February 12, 2005 through February 27, 2005.

The books and other memorabilia distributed by Christo and Jeanne-Claude refer to the project as The Gates, Central Park, New York, 1979–2005 in reference to the time that passed from the artists’ initial proposal until they were able to go ahead with it. ~excerpt from WikiPedia 

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto RicoIf you went into Central Park you would be able to walk under some gates that had saffron colored cloth draped on them.

I had the opportunity to go with co-workers and later return on another visit with family. I personally thought it was brilliant and on the occasions I went, snow covered most of Central Park that made the contrast even more amazing of white with Saffron. I was very impressed on the effort that was put into the whole event.

You can’t Make All New Yorkers Happy

On the other side I remember New Yorkers complaining on how it was a waste of money (even though the whole demonstration was financed by the artist). Given that I try to enjoy what others put their passion and effort into, that might have been the reason why I really applauded the artist.

I was so amazed on how many people where disgusted on this artist’s decision to give central park some lively colors. Coming from the tropics, having vibrant colors in New York seemed like a big upgrade and made me feel at home.

Too Much Color Shocked Them

I guess for people that are use to grey and black, it must have been shocking to see a different contrast in the city especially in winter where even the sky needs a little bit of retouching in the Northeast.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Me at the Gates 2005

The same way I was shocked at these individuals many years ago, I am shocked now days when someone tries to do something colorful with lots of energy and passion and other’s close him out.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto RicoMake Colors More Brilliant

Everyday I get approached by someone with an idea. I normally give them my piece of mind. After many reading a post from @raffel I was able to change my shift in thinking. I decided not to play Devil’s advocate on every project and thing my friends and close contacts where doing.

I have been very lucky to get support from them on many of my ideas that probably did not make sense to many of them. They trust my judgment and know that if I am passionate enough about something I must understand it or see an advantage.

So how do perceptions help you make decisions? Are you supporting those that are putting up projects that might be too colorful for your taste?

Or are you pulling back because your projects are too colorful for others?

photo credit by Kevin Coles


  1. Prometeo on August 30, 2011 at 8:33 pm

    It´s a good thing to dream and move towards what you want creatively. Sometimes people may think that one is crazy but at the end they will get it. 

    • Raul Colon on August 31, 2011 at 3:17 am

      Prometeo… I agree completely thanks for stopping by! 

  2. Ivelisse Arroyo on September 1, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    You nailed it! I’ve been having those comments since the day I started doing business.  I even had an adivsor tell me: “Every business person thins their business is the best thing every, but is important to stay to the facts and market”.  Although I understand that statement is true, that crushed my heart and I had a few days dimmed after that, because he made me feel my effort was useless.  Perception is an assasin of ideas and feelings; so bad, a person can decide for life or death if you are not careful with your words.  This is a topic I planned to write about from a mental health approach; it is an everyday issue for a lot of people.  Thanks for the post Raul, it was great!