Thanks for a great 2010 Even better 2011
I remember last year when I was headed to my In-Laws to kick off 2010. The previous two years 2008 and 2009 had really been terrible years on many aspects but taught me a lot. Eventhough 2009 took me for a spin and the financial hardship I had made me lose many materials things (including my home) it brought many lessons which I was able to apply in 2010.
In 2010, I was able to travel and meet many great people. It was also a year for experimenting at my company CIMA IT Solutions which is up for a re-branding and a new website with content to help small business owners and mid level management by sharing information that I use with many of my clients.
I had the opportunity to go to various conferences such as @chirp, @cmsummit (which I was able to assist thanks to @vanriper giving me his pass to the event), and the Inbound Marketing Summit.

Chirp 2010
At @chirp I had the opportunity to talk with awesome people by meeting the people I included in the following list I was able to refresh myself with all those great vibes from people I consider very successful.
- @ev (Twitter Co-founder)
- @dickc (Twitter CEO)
- @rsarver (API Director)
- @aartiles24 (Co-founder of which I am currently collaborating on his project.
- @esteban – Passionate individual with a great heart.
- @vanriper – Great guy who really knows the definition of paying it forward.
In June, I had the opportunity to go to the @cmsummit and I had the opportunity to listen to very prominent people but someone who really made the difference was listening to Tony Hsieh @zappos CEO and having the opportunity to get his book as a gift Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose. This book really paved the way for me to have a great summer focused on creating experiences instead of focusing on less important things.
During the month of september I had the privilege to book one of @jetblue’s All You Can Jet pass which really gave me a month full experiences. I ended my last All You Can Jet Trip by going to the Inbound Marketing Summit and meeting more great people. I was able to listen to great speakers on subjects related to New Marketing trends. The first day I met Dale (@echoquotes) who gave me great advice and even helped me connect with many other IMS10 attendees. Having the opportunity to meet @ducttape and getting a signed copy of his book really got me thinking on how I needed to make changes on many things I do. Listening to @vorhaus and getting his insight on Crisis Management with One Less One More. The best experience was meeting @chrisbrogan who I had admired for a while and was the inspiration into writing this post today after reading his post Ending 2010. Since he did not allow me to comment on that post I had to mention him here (and please go by his post so you can see what I am talking about).
Meeting @chrisbrogan was unique since he lives what he preaches and is very passionate. He made me feel very comfortable around people I had never met. @chrisbrogan has really gone out in helping me understand how I want to run my business and has done some great and amazing things to help me build my community.
My biggest surprise was getting news that I would be a father for us we had adopted Juanga (our Four Legged Dog) but on the 28th I had the greatest gift anyone can get from my biggest supporter @lucymfel. We had Daniela which I have enclosed a Picture of her while we took her out of the hospital yesterday. Starting the year as a New Dad give me a fresh start and motivates me to hit the ground running tomorrow.
I want to thank many people on this post and will do it naming them (if I did not do so already). These people made 2010 even better.
@lucymfel – For supporting me in everything I do and bringing @danielalcolon to this world.
@javierrcolon- My youngest brother who has never left my side
@CharlesMcCool – A very selfless and unique person who I met thanks to my #AYCJ 2010 experience.
Carlos Juan and Maria Del Carmen – They have helped me not only build my business but understanding many things in life. They are part of my close family.
Brenda Colon – My sister who has really gone out of her way to help me.
Michael and Danny Luperella – They always make my summers awesome I enjoy spending time with @lucymfel nephews.
Moises Maldonado – A good friend but even better human being.
Quique Gonzalez – Has been one of my mentor’s for many years helped me get my first job out of college and has always been there.
Ramon Morales @guarionex88 – A Genius. Always willing to help and offer me great insight on how to approach things.
Jose Vargas – My good Friend who also supported me greatly in 2009.
@kelvinlomboy – Great IT Security Resource but even better friend. I learn a lot from Kelvin.
Luis (@Bengieruiz) Ruiz – Although he lives far away is always very Close.
@ricsam – He always makes me see things from another perspective. Very detailed oriented and a great heart. I really appreciate all his support
@blue_syko – A good new friend that helped me at one of the most difficult moments I had during 2010. I will always be more than happy for what he did. Please thank him for me.
@michaeldcc – I appreciate the many comments he has left on my blog and admire his discipline in sharing his point of view.
@nelsonbermejo – His friendship and his advice is always very helpful.
@arseniosan – Helped me greatly this year and collaborated with me on a few projects this guy is just as awesome as his wife @damarisdj
@ricklipsett – Very grateful and creative person. I appreciate the help he has given me in the past months.
@therealgabo – a great example as a father I will be looking forward to follow his steps as a new father.
@dens – very busy individual also @foursquare co-founder who is always willing to help.
@suzannevara – She inspires me to work harder every day like @chrisbrogan has commented on multiple ocassions someone to look out in the near future.
@ergeekgoddess – Awesome latina blogger which I have been able to share many thoughts and great info.
@mark_hayward – very humble guy who I have been able to get to know even more during 2010. If you are going to Culebra on vacation feel free to tweet him.
@nomarwdo – Very grateful for all his help this year.
@tenisplayero – One of my biggest supporters and I support greatly his efforts.
@xaimara – Always willing to help. I look forward to meeting her in person in 2011.
@tropicalbloom – Jennifer and Osvaldo have really shown me how people need to execute to reach their dreams.
@LTLV613 – Always sharing great information.
@slayerkun – Old friend from High school who this year really went out trying to help me on many perspectives.
@karimacatherine – Does a great job connecting people with other people who share their same interests.
@raul_ramos – reading his book a few days ago really made me not lose focus on many efforts I have in mind.
@iTavoTweet – Had the opportunity to meet him in person and someone to watch out in the coming years.
@thebrandbuilder – His insight on approaching business is unique and I really appreciate what he does.
I probably missed many of the other great people who helped me throughout the year. If I did I will be continuously updating this list and working on creating 2011’s list.
How will you thank your supporters in 2011?
Also in appreciation of a great year I will donate and invite you to the same to my favorite Charity @sasfapr a No Kill Shelter here in Puerto Rico who is really struggling economically. Feel free to donate to your favorite charity also in gratitude of being able to celebrate a New Year.
With sounding to all Post-Partum, Thank you for everything! I know that the way you treat my nephews is a great example of how much of a great dad you will be.
Raul, you certainly have a great community of people that indeed make a difference. I am happy to share some of them in my community.
Thanks for your comments about me and Damaris. 2011 will be a great year!
You are part of that great community. I really enjoy having you as a someone I can Trust. Thanks for visiting and making a comment.
It was nice to meet you in 2010 on Twitter. Best wishes for a great 2011.
I knew I was going to forget someone. You are an example of the great people that change my way of thinking when I met them online. Thanks for being a great person. It was great to share interests. (btw I had to update the post check the 3rd name on the list.