Why Drones and Automating Social Media Can Be an Issue

I am a big advocate of quality customer service and giving your customer what they want. Months ago I wrote about my frustration at this store where the owner of the place finds it extremely important to take the best parking spot.  While most of her customers struggle to get a parking spot and sometimes…

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Why you should stop using Auto-Dm!

I have to confess as much as I dislike Auto Dm’s  while using TrueTwit validation I was Auto Dm’ing all my new followers on the various twitter accounts I managed including my personal one. It supposedly helped out with automatically accepting new followers and filtering bots. After many complaints and finding out how much these…

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Email Blast, Spam or Phishing?

Almost every day I receive an email that appears to be a legitimate communication from a company. On many occasions it takes parts of a second to realize that I have been spammed once again. Some people call it Email Blast when they decide to “Spam” potential clients or leads. I will to confess at…

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