Sending Positive Vibes Via MP3

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

One of the blogs I always have my radar on and try to read it’s refreshing content as soon as its published is by @webby2001.

Today while reading the tweets of another blogger who I admire @thebrandbuilder I read the following tweet:

[blackbirdpie url=”!/thebrandbuilder/status/41261078210027520″]

I hit the link and to my surprise I landed on @webby2001’s blog which had an awesome idea on sending a positive message via mp3 so it could be played to our brothers in New Zealand.

The power of people caring can be very powerful and will help New Zealand get back on their feet. It will not cost you a cent only a few minutes and like me you might even learn a few things:

Here’s what you can do – and it won’t cost you a cent. Ande and the rest of his team aren’t playing commercials right now – no one wants to hear about fast food or shoe sales when so many are homeless, missing and lost. Instead, they’d like to hear you. So I’m collecting your voices – your words of support – to send him, to play on radio stations throughout New Zealand.

All you need to do is record a quick MP3 file that gives your name, where you are from, and a short (5-10 seconds) message of hope, to tell the people of New Zealand that we are thinking of them during this very dark time. Please email those .MP3 files to me at a special email address I’ve set up at help_nz_audio at (heck, spammers be darned – here it is: I’ll make sure he gets them, and that your voices ring out across the Land Of The Long White Cloud.

I have to applaud New Zealand radio stations for making it a priority to motivate their listeners instead of trying to worry about making income in such a tragedy. I wonder if Local Radio Stations would do the same in the U.S. or here in Puerto Rico.

Go ahead and send your file with positive vibes to @webby2001. I was a bit resistant to create mine but the motivation of having someone feel they are not forgotten motivated me to do something I was not to familiar with like creating an mp3 file. Are you up for the challenge?

Do you know of any similar stories of how a business or radio station decided to focus on giving to the community in a time of need over making income?

Attribution photo credit by ataraxis