One Year of Supporting Puerto Rico’s Environmental Activists

Isla Verde desde Pine Grove

It has been a bit more over a year of when I decided to get more involved in supporting local activists in the front lines. Joining them so we can protect our Islands resources is one of the best decisions I could have made.

Last year I was not happy how the Courtyard Marriott was attacking protestors. I wrote a few updates on Facebook and expressed my opinion on my blog. Lucy encouraged me to go over to Playas para El Pueblo and see how I could help more.

I got there and was received by the most motivated and hard working activists I have met. They also treated me an outsider at the moment as I was family.

In the past year, many of those same new friends are always active on different fronts. They are the few that are talked about by the many who don’t care or think you change things just behind a keyboard.

Taking this journey of stepping out and capturing things in the front lines. Has brought me closer to those who want to improve the well-being of the Island. It has given me hope from the aspect that I see there are many wanting to change the Island’s situation.

It grew me apart from Some Complacent People

It created a gap with many who are still waiting for others to come and help us but don’t do much for themselves. Being a Colony for so many centuries has created this emotional dependence. Dependence those who oppress us and make it look as we are being taken care of.

Many don’t realize that we are getting the breadcrumbs of the hard work we put in.

In that process, I have grown closer to a few and distant of the many.

Reducing my Facebook Contacts from almost 4k to no more than 400

In between my beliefs, activism, and my focus on keeping my projects running. I went ahead and disconnected myself from many of my Facebook Contacts. People I had added over the years, some family members, and even friends.

I wanted to make sure that those on my Facebook Feed are folks that are always there for me. I also had to make sure that I get value from what they share even if they think differently. Removing contacts from Facebook has helped greatly because I now get to see more of the content that moves me to make a better place for my daughter.

It has been a rewarding journey and a year of many challenges.

But in just that year I am grateful to say that I have made plenty of good friends. Individuals that are working hard to sustain themselves and seek a better collective future. If we could multiply these proactive people my Island would be in a much better place.

To my brothers and sisters battling on many fronts and educating many. The island needs you to protect our resources, and I thank you for being present. We cannot hand our resources over to Wall Streets Greedy individuals and corporations.

I thank you for what you do, and I am proud of calling you, friends.

You all have made the past year a fascinating one.
