Is Puerto Rico part of the United States?

Condado Puerto Rico Sunset

If I got a dollar every time Puerto Rico wanted to become part of the United States, I would be able to pay the Debt created by Corrupt Politicians and Bankers.

Is Puerto Rico part of the United States

Yes, Puerto Rico is part of the United States.

Now that I answered your question let me answer a few more that you might have in mind.

  • Can Puerto Rican's residing on the Island elect the U.S. President?
    • No. But the decisions of the President affect each Puerto Rican.
  • Do we pay taxes?
    • Yes, we pay our fair share of taxes. Some we don't even receive benefits from; just one example, Medicare.
  • How much money does Puerto Rico receive from the U.S.?
    • Well, the question should be how are the U.S. and bigger interests benefiting from Puerto Rico. I wrote this post years ago, and it's a clear that more is taken from Puerto Rico than what the U.S. invests.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Demonstration against Naled Aerial Fumigation held on July 6, 2016.

Is Puerto Rico Part of the United States as a State or a Colony?

Supposedly the government of Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth. That term is confusing since four other U.S. States (Kentucky, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Pennsylvania) also use the term.  Wikipedia also explains the following:

"The term "Commonwealth" does not describe or provide for any specific political status or legal relationship when used by a state. Those that do use it are equal to those that do not. A traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good, it is used symbolically to emphasize that these states have a "government based on the common consent of the people​" - Wikipedia 

When you look at the terminology and definition of Commonwealth, it is misleading. Instead, we have been a Colony since Spain came in and started the Genocide of our native Tainos and colonized those left on the island.

March Against Naled - Plaza Colón

In 1898 the United States of America, after bombing and forcing themselves onto the Island, got Puerto Rico as a trophy from Spain at the end of the Spanish-American War.

We fast forward to 2017, and here we are sitting on a pile of debt created by Bankers from the US, Spain, Sweden (UBS) and a bunch of corrupt politicians.

A fiscal oversight board was imposed made up of 7 individuals, many with conflicts of interest and ties to the same folks who put us in the Massive Debt Puerto Rico declared bankruptcy on this past May.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Demonstration against Naled Aerial Fumigation held on July 6, 2016.

Distracting everyone with the Puerto Rican Status Referendum

So instead of auditing the debt on the Island and looking at what caused it, our current government decided they wanted to entertain the masses by creating a Puerto Rican Status Referendum.

The objective was to have Puerto Rican's confirm their loyalty to the U.S. But how can you affirm your loyalty to a Country who took you as war booty and has taken more than they have given. Well, that is a bit of the Story of our Island as a Colony.

But getting back to the Puerto Rican Status Referendum. This specific one was tailored by the Pro-Statehood Party to create an option where the Statehood option would win. They have used tactics to instill fear and show others how the relationship with the U.S. would be so much better if we became a state.

In simple terms, it's like telling someone who is in an abusive relationship, that by staying in that relationship, things will get better. But for some reason, the Pro-statehood party has used this tactic in an attempt to brainwash the most marginalized people into voting for Statehood.

El Morro Fort In Old San Juan

How to win a Contest when you're the only one competing?

Ask the PNP Puerto Rico's Pro-Statehood party. They have tailored and orchestrated a plebiscite to make sure the Statehood option is the only one to win. They initially excluded the current status on the ballot making it a Statehood vs. Independence question. There wasn't the third option which is staying as it current Territorial Status. The third option was included on the ballot before Sunday's vote.

What is the Probability of Puerto Rico becoming a State?

My friends ask me the question,"Is Puerto Rico part of the United States?" and they still don't understand the whole political status of the Island, don't feel lonely. Sometimes I feel that many of us on the Island don't have all the details into what the current relationship entails and how that would be different if it becomes a state.

Currently, we are a Colony and will continue to be Colony because it's beneficial to U.S. interests. Major Corporations like Wal-mart, Walgreens, Big Pharma, and many others benefit from Tax Incentives and Tax Havens that are used between the US tax code and Puerto Rico's tax code.

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Will Puerto Rico become a State in my Opinion?

Short answer, No. Because no matter what the outcome I will be reading this status in my Facebook memories to see that many of us predicted the future. We will not get close to statehood.

I can only imagine a few good Ole Boys from the South, those who I served with in the U.S. Army (yes we can serve in the U.S. Military but can't vote for the Commander in Chief), not wanting their confederate flag, I mean their U.S. flag to have another star.

With so many movements against immigration, I'm not sure how many who voted for the current U.S. president would like bringing in a bunch of Latinos, Hispanics, Mexicans (yes I have been called this many times), Infidels and any other name you can imagine, becoming part of Making America Great Again.

Puerto Rico as a State does not Make America Great Again.

Just imagine asking someone who does not even know where the Island is the question, is Puerto Rico part of the United States?  They would not be able to answer that question much less want Puerto Rico to be part of what they feel is their America.

A Boycott of this Puerto Rican status referendum.

Most Puerto Ricans are boycotting this Puerto Rican Status referendum. They are tired of answering the question is Puerto Rico part of the United States. Many like me would like the answer to be no in the future. We really believe that the relationship with the U.S. has not worked thus far; it might be time to look for a real change. Maybe Make Puerto Rico Great for Once.

Why are people boycotting the Puerto Rican status referendum.

Here are some of the Main Reasons

  1. A waste of money we don't have - It's a waste of money. It would have taken 2 to 3 Million to Audit the Puerto Rico debt but they are spending 10 million to distract the attention from those who stole from the Island. So instead of answering the question of whether Puerto Rico is part of the United States and pushing toward statehood, we would rather focus on making sure less of our schools and critical government resources are not taken away.
  2. The Decision is made by the Colonizer - The Final Decision to make Puerto Rico a state falls on the Colonize, not the Colony.  So that means Congress and the rest of the U.S. would have to agree on allowing us into the Union.
  3. All other Referendums were ignored by the U.S. - Especially the last one which supposedly stated that most of the voter base voted towards making Puerto Rico a State. That was in 2012 and in 2017 we are back to the drawing board.
  4. It's a Rigged Election -  Puerto Rico currently does not count with a fully independent self-governing government. Those in power are the Junta de Control Fiscal imposed by Promesa. Their objective is to collect money from Wall Street without taking into consideration the well being of those that are not at fault with the debt. Those same groups have created this referendum that only supports what seems to be one reliable option. The options most people wanted on the Referendum was left out and then added before the vote on Sunday.

So before you think that Puerto Rico wants to become a state, understand that no election has ever had more than 50% of that vote. I want you to know that most Puerto Ricans will be boycotting the status referendum.

Many will be at the beach enjoying Sunday, others at the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City, and many others at the Pride Parade in Cabo Rojo.

If you are like me, boycotting the Puerto Rican Status Referendum, here are a few things you can do this Sunday that will help you learn a bit more about Puerto Rico:

1. Watch W. Kamau Bell's, United Shades of America, where he will be covering a different side on CNN of our relationship with the U.S. I caught some teasers in his feed which I will share below.

I met W. Kamau Bell a few years ago at SXSW. He was introduced to me via a common acquaintance and also comedian Baratunde Thurston.

Awesome bumping into Mr. book ( @barantunde ) according to 2yr @danielalcolon #sxsw

A post shared by Raúl Colón (@raulcolon) on

I just finished reading W. Kamau Bell's book "The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell: Tales of a 6' 4", African American, Heterosexual, Cisgender, Left-Leaning, Asthmatic, Black and Proud Blerd, Mama's Boy, Dad, and Stand-Up Comedian".  You might want to get your copy and read the book.


2. In Honor of the Puerto Rican Day Parade you can listen to a list of music curated by one of my favorite artists, Residente, on Spotify. He includes a bit of our music from way back to more recent bands from Puerto Rico like Alegria Rampante.

3. If your on the Island feel free to go to your nearest beach and enjoy a Summer day. If you are near Playas para el Pueblo in Isla Verde, I know there are a few events planned which are tied to boycotting the referendum.

So In summary when someone asks "is Puerto Rico Part of the United States",  I can assure you the answer will be, Yes but it will never be a State.


  1. David on June 15, 2017 at 6:05 pm

    información necesaria