New Look To Get more Subscribers

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

I just moved over to the Generate (affiliate link) theme from StudioPress. Following in the footsteps of my friend, blogging mentor, and business partner Chris Brogan where he also at switched over a little more than a month ago and it has brought him great results. I also had a little help from my good friend @ricklipsett in tweaking the picture so it would look its best on the front page.

I pretty much followed Chris’s layout and tips so you can get more insight on the great features Generate has directly from Chris Brogan and Brian Gardner feel free to watch the video:

I still have a few changes and tweaks to go but I had been putting it off for quite some time so I decided to sit down and make the transition late last night early this morning ( so please excuse the typos).

If you are looking to upgrade your blog with the objective on increasing your subscribers GENERATE is the theme for you.

If by any chance you need extra help or want professional developer and a designer to take care of setting it up, feel free to contact me directly. Myself and the CIMA IT Team will take care of all the leg work of installing and customizing it for you.

Generate Theme from Studio Pres
StudioPress Generate Child Theme