5 Simple Steps to Reach Long Term Goals

Photos of Raul Colon Web Developer Puerto Rico

Many of us are living through tough times where we are clearly doing are best to stay afloat financially. Like in any economic stage there are winners and losers. If you are a winner then you might be looking at ways to leverage your resources and make the most out of it. It might be focusing on growing your business, getting better opportunity, making the best out of the existing opportunities.

On the other side if things are not going as you wish you might be trying to shift gears, looking for a career change, wanting to start a new business, searching for opportunities that will get you to be on winning side.

My Approach on Reaching My Goals and Dreams

I am working my ass off towards getting toward the winners Circle, but it is more of hanging on during a marathon than a quick sprint.

1. Laying out a Plan and executing

One of the things I see many people fail at when trying to go after their dreams is excessive planning. If you Plan too much and execute very little this will eventually work against you. The whole purpose of a Plan is to increase the probability of being successful at an effort.  If you are using and investing in resources to plan it is critical that you execute on what you planned for. Many people continue to stay in the planning stage and are too afraid to implement anything until they feel it is perfect. Therefore they continue to plan and stay in that loop of improving their plan without ever putting it to work.

Sometimes there is no better opportunity than implementing it right now. Give it a chance and tweak along the way.

2.  Understanding Your Strengths and Weaknesses

If you can’t identify your strengths and weaknesses then you are only making harder on your self to reach your goals. Try to make a list of things you are really good at that go along with what you are planning to do. Once you have that list it is even more critical to identify what you are not good and will hand off to someone else .


  • If you are not good at budget planning or keeping your finances up to date then you might need to consider hiring an accountant for that part of your business.
  • If you are not a creative type then you might want someone to take care of creating your logo other creative documents (someone as awesome as @ricklipsett might be a good choice).
  • If you are not tech savvy and you are in need of website find professionals to take care of that part of the plan and build something that is functional.

3. Finding & Identifying Adequate Resources

If you are not able to identify or find proper resources then ask for help from your networks of trust (friends, families, and peers). If you don’t have an idea of where to start your best bet is looking for professional advice on how to get things running.


  • Companies like CIMA IT (my company) and Human Business Works (strategic partners) can coach you through the process of setting up any business online. If not their resources are more than willing to point you towards the right direction.

Since I started CIMA IT in 2008, I can clearly say I have gotten better at identifying the best resources possible for my clients and my own efforts.

4. Guidance in Implementing

If you are looking for help identifying resources on the personal side then you might want to hire a coach like my good friend @bernixiong. A person like @bernixiong can clearly help you set your mind straight and hold your hand through the process of hitting key milestones. Not only will her energy motivate you to get more done and do your best but she is also a very business savvy individual which can be a great asset for anyone in need of coaching.

5. Alliances and Partnerships

Finding individuals that will stick with you as business partners like we also do for our clients is critical. For example we implemented the web presence of Romybaez.com where he sells insurance for small businesses.

In our company we try to create packages of services either of creating and maintaining your online presence. We do the heavy lifting for you. Instead of you having to worry about how to approach twitter, Linked, Facebook, and now Google + we make sure we hand you all the possible shortcuts that can make you successful.

Our partners like Chris Brogan (New York Times Best Selling Author) and his company Human Business Works also helps us serve our clients with the best resources available. On Human Business Works Projects using the guidance of someone as experiences as Chris clearly sets us apart and puts us at another level. If you are interested in improving your online presence with the guidance of one of the top professionals in that field globally head over to Humanbusinessworks.com or contact us directly.

Making My Dreams Come True

Execution is critical in making your dreams come true. Without good planning the adequate resources it might be difficult for you to get closer to your dreams.

What stops you from achieving your dreams?

It is a business idea you have not been able to completely form. Do you have an idea of doing something you are passionate about but can’t figure out how to make it a moneymaking efforts. Or is it that you have the idea and don’t know where to start.

I will be offering also a few simple business assessments where I get an understanding of your plans and help you sort them out in a way where you can reach those initial goals and get you closer to making your dreams come true.

If you are interested in knowing more about the business or personal assessments contact me directly.

How do you get closer to your dreams what formula work for you?