Turning 40

Turning 40

As I turn 40 today under quarantine, I realize that now more than ever, many more people probably appreciate the details that surround us a bit more than a few months ago.

Our Pre-COVID lives might have made many of us take a few things for granted.

For years I've been close enough to the beach to take my camera and capture life on the north coast of the Island.

One of the things I love to do is capture small details, and I rarely publish those images. They are images I keep for myself.

I took the previous image a day before multiple Earthquakes hit Puerto Rico on January 5th. For a month after January 6th, I invested most of my time trying to find those who needed help and those who could help them.

2020 Filled With Puerto Rico Earthquakes and a Pandemic

A bit over two years of going through Hurricane Maria, we have faced Earthquakes and the pandemic.

Since January, many of us have had our lives changed significantly once again after the Earthquakes and now #Covid_19.

But when I look at this image, I see my fellow humans and especially those who live on my Island as the Rock, which will seem to be a bit more permanent than the moss that covers it.

We are stronger than we may think!

The moss, water, and other elements shape the Rock, but the stone still stands.

These events will shape us and change how we live. But always remember you are the stone, not the moss.

Stay safe and help each other.

To all of you that early this morning sent out birthday greetings, thank you so much.

I usually spend my Birthday at Disney celebrating for a few days. But today I sit in my house celebrating with your life and the fact that my loved ones are healthy.

To every person supermarket employee like my brother (Javier Colon), Nurse, Doctor, Delivery person, firefighter, paramedic, healthcare worker, and restaurant employee keeping us fed and healthy. Thank you! My Birthday wish is that you understand how important we all are in this intricate planet called earth.

Happy Birthday to me!

Donate to Waves Ahead, a Grassroots Organization That Means a Lot to me

Instead or receiving a Birthday Gift. It would be great if you could skip a coffee or two and donate to Waves Ahead Org. 

During the Month of January thanks to them I was able to get help to many families. 

Portrait of Raul Colon by His Daughter

Portait of Raul Colon. Photo by Daniela Colón

Turning 40